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The Covid Doxa: how propaganda, censorship and the politicization of Covid have destroyed our intellectual and moral bearings

In the West, during the Covid crisis, leading scientists and many physicians publicly voiced their disagreement with the WHO's account of the pandemic, as well as with the health policy management of the crisis by most governments. Under normal circumstances, such criticism would have prompted contradictory debate. But not only did such debates never take place, these scientists were censored and treated as pariahs. How can we understand this? This article proposes some answers, showing 1) that the official account of the crisis has a structure that forms a deceptive but coherent narrative, claiming the name of Science (the author calls this the Covid doxa) 2) that this narrative has been protected at the cost of censorship and ostracization on an unprecedented scale, 3) that this narrative has been imposed as “indisputable truth” by a veritable cartel set up to ensure control of legitimate information, a cartel mainly in the USA and made up of the pharmaceutical industries, the WHO under the influence of Bill Gates’ network, the governments of most countries, the digital giants and the legacy media.


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