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The Medieval Warm Period: A Global Phenomenon?

The ‘hockey stick’ graph, first published by Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley, and Malcolm Hughes in 1999, depicted temperature anomalies over the past millennium. It showed relatively minor temperature fluctuations for most of the last millennium (the "shaft" of the hockey stick) and a sharp rise in temperatures in the 20th century (the "blade" of the hockey stick). This presentation suggested that the modern warming period has been unprecedented over the last millennium. This finding has been at the core of calls for robust measures aimed at addressing climate change.

However, skeptics claim that the MWP was both global in extent and warmer than current temperatures in many regions. Evidence for this comes from several angles, suggesting that the established narrative underestimates the period's warmth and geographic reach. Here, I explore these skeptical viewpoints, considering the evidence and arguments they put forth.


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