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  • Inflation : chute sans précédent des achats alimentaires des Français

    Alors qu'en dix-huit mois, les prix alimentaires se sont envolés de plus de 18 %, les ménages ont revu leurs habitudes. Résultat, la hausse de leurs dépenses a été limitée à 4,2 % sur la période selon l'Insee.

    Depuis près de deux ans, l'inflation a fait un brutal retour dans l'Hexagone. Elle s'est d'abord concentrée sur l'énergie avant de se propager aux produits alimentaires. Entre le dernier trimestre 2021 et le deuxième trimestre 2023, les étiquettes dans les rayons se sont envolées de 18,4 % selon l'Insee.

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  • Minoritarian moralism

    We are watching an ongoing transformation of our political regime, in which sovereignty (that is, the authority to decide) has gradually been relocated from its constitutionally prescribed setting, which granted a presumptive deference to the majority, to a set of mutually supporting technical and moral clerisies. These staff a state-like entity that expands its dominion on two fronts: the “woke” revolution and the colonization of ordinary life by technical expertise.


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  • The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

    It’s easy to see Hitler everywhere. And if we say “Watch out: this is exactly how Hitler came to power!” once a week, eventually no one will even bother turning their head to look.

    How do you decide when an invocation of Hitler, the 20th Century’s most famous villain, is an unhelpful exaggeration and when is it a prescient warning?

    My hope is that this review of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich can help us identify what it looks like when Hitler is actually about to come to power, so that we can save that most urgent alarm bell—the one marked with the swastika and the Charlie Chaplin mustache—for this one situation only and avoid a boy-who-cried-wolf-scenario. Consider this an exercise in fine-tuning our threat models so that we can tell the difference between bad and this-is-stage-one-in-Hilter’s-rise-to-power bad.

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