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Natural Light is An Essential Nutrient

•Sunlight is one of the most important things for our health (e.g., it halves our risk of dying or getting cancer), yet all we ever hear is how important it is to avoid it.

•While the importance of vitamin D is generally recognized, many of the other critical functions of light within plants, animals and human beings remain almost completely unknown (and hence will be the focus of this article.

•One of the defining characteristics of modern life is the continual exposure to unnatural light. While this is viewed as being relatively benign, in reality, forgotten research demonstrated that it is a root cause of a myriad of inexplicable modern physical and behavioral illnesses.

•One of the keys functions of blood is to conduct light throughout the body. In turn, when this process is disrupted (e.g., by wearing glasses with lenses which eliminate critical parts of the electromagnetic spectrum) a variety of significant illnesses can develop.


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